Physiotherapy Care at Home

Home-based physiotherapy services for patients in the comfort of home by providing a safe environment, to restore movements, functions affected by injury, illness, surgery or disability using manual therapies, exercise programs and electro therapy techniques for treating.
• Musculoskeletal conditions (such as arthritis, sports injuries or back pain )
• Neurological conditions (such as stroke, multiple sclerosis , Parkinson’s disease and spinal cord injuries)
• Cardiothoracic conditions (such as emphysema, asthma, chronic bronchitis).
• Manual therapies include massage, stretching, manual resistance training, joint mobilization and manipulation, including spinal mobilization.
• Exercise programs include such as posture retraining, muscle strengthening, cardiovascular training and stretching.
We become partners in aiding patients recover from their ill health or injury and provide care with compassion.