Infusion pumps for Rent and Sale

Infusion pumps for home use are medical devices designed to deliver fluids, such as medications, nutrients, or fluids for hydration, directly into a patient's bloodstream in a controlled manner. They are often prescribed for individuals with chronic conditions requiring long-term intravenous therapy, such as chemotherapy, parenteral nutrition, or certain medications.

These pumps are compact, portable, and easy to use, allowing patients to receive therapy in the comfort of their own homes. The pump administers the fluid at a predetermined rate set by healthcare providers to ensure accurate and consistent delivery over a specified period. Safety features such as alarms, occlusion detection, and dose limits help ensure the proper functioning of the pump and alert users to any potential issues

Overall, home infusion pumps play a crucial role in facilitating long-term intravenous therapy outside of traditional medical settings, allowing patients to receive necessary treatment while preserving their comfort, convenience, independence, reduced healthcare costs and improved quality of life.

Infusion pumps designed for home use come in several types, each suited for different medical needs and therapy requirements:

Ambulatory Infusion Pumps:

These are lightweight, portable pumps that allow patients to move around while receiving infusion therapy. They are commonly used for continuous or intermittent delivery of medications or fluids over an extended period, such as chemotherapy or antibiotic therapy.

Syringe Infusion Pumps:

Syringe pumps are compact devices that administer medications or fluids from a syringe at a controlled rate. They are often used for delivering small volumes of medication over a precise period, making them suitable for therapies requiring low-flow rates or frequent dosing adjustments.

Volumetric Infusion Pumps:

Volumetric pumps deliver fluids at a predetermined rate based on volume per unit of time. They are capable of delivering larger volumes of fluids accurately and are commonly used for parenteral nutrition, hydration therapy, or administering medications over longer durations.

PCA (Patient-Controlled Analgesia) Pumps:

These pumps allow patients to self-administer pain medication as needed by pressing a button. PCA pumps are commonly used for managing pain after surgery or during palliative care, providing patients with control over their pain relief within preset safety limits.

These types of infusion pumps offer flexibility, accuracy, and convenience for patients receiving infusion therapy at home, allowing them to manage their medical conditions safely and effectively outside of traditional healthcare settings.

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Benefits of Infusion Pump:

  • It can help infuse very small & precise quantities of medicine and fluids
  • It can help deliver medicine at regulated intervals.
  • It is useful in the delivery of hormones at a controlled rate
  • Also ensures, the Vein is kept open, when in the KVO mode
  • It also identifies any occlusion, obstruction in flow and kink in tubing
  • It eliminates the need for a workforce for continuous monitoring of IV infusions.
  • It uses Infusion modes - Continuous, Intermittent, PCA, Multi Therapy

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Frequently Asked Questions About Infusion Pumps

  • What is an infusion pump?
    • An infusion pump is a medical device used to deliver fluids, medications, or nutrients into a patient's body in a controlled and precise manner. It regulates the flow rate and volume of the infused substance, ensuring accurate and consistent delivery.
  • How does an infusion pump work?
    • Infusion pumps typically consist of a control panel, a compartment for holding the fluid container (such as an IV bag or syringe), a pump mechanism, tubing, and various safety features. The pump mechanism generates the force necessary to move the fluid through the tubing and into the patient's body at a controlled rate set by the user on the control panel.
  • What types of medications can be administered with an infusion pump?
    • Infusion pumps can be used to deliver a wide range of medications, including antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, pain relievers, insulin for diabetes management, and intravenous fluids for hydration. The specific medication and dosage are determined by the healthcare provider based on the patient's condition and treatment plan.
  • Why are infusion pumps used?
    • Infusion pumps are used to provide precise and controlled administration of fluids or medications to patients. They ensure accurate flow rates, which is crucial for drugs with specific dosing requirements. Additionally, infusion pumps allow for continuous or intermittent infusion, enabling medications to be delivered over a particular period, and they facilitate patient-controlled analgesia, empowering patients to manage their pain effectively.
  • What are the common features of infusion pumps?
    • Common features of infusion pumps include various delivery modes (continuous, intermittent, patient-controlled analgesia), a wide range of flow rate settings, volume to be infused (VTBI) settings, bolus rate options, and safety features such as air-in-line detection, occlusion alarms, and low battery alerts.
  • How accurate are infusion pumps?
    • Infusion pumps are designed to be highly accurate, with most models offering an accuracy of ±5% or better. This level of accuracy is essential for delivering precise medication doses and maintaining appropriate fluid levels in patients.
  • Can infusion pumps be used at home?
    • Yes, some infusion pumps are designed for home use, enabling patients to receive continuous or intermittent infusion therapy in the comfort of their homes. These pumps are typically portable, user-friendly, and come with comprehensive training and support from healthcare providers.
  • How do I care for and maintain an infusion pump?
    • Proper care and maintenance of infusion pumps are crucial for ensuring their safe and effective operation. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning, disinfecting, and inspecting the pump regularly. Additionally, it's essential to ensure the pump is serviced and calibrated periodically by qualified personnel.

Remember, these are general guidelines, and it's always best to consult with healthcare professionals for specific advice and guidance on using infusion pumps for your individual needs.


The Infusion pump supplied by Harrison is extremely useful for my mother, the staff is knowledgeable and always available to answer any questions or concerns we have.... says Mr Gujar from Borivali

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Mumbai 400052.


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