CPAP / AUTOCPAP Machine for Buying or Rent

AutoCPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) is a type of positive airway pressure therapy used to treat sleep-related breathing disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Unlike traditional CPAP machines that deliver a constant pressure throughout the night, AutoCPAP machines automatically adjust the pressure levels based on individual breathing patterns and needs.

Who might need AutoCPAP / CPAP at home ?

If you have Obstructive Sleep Apnea
If you have Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
If you Snore

Here's what you need to know about using AutoCPAP at home:

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Dynamic Pressure Adjustment

AutoCPAP machines utilise advanced algorithms to monitor breathing patterns and detect instances of airway obstruction or apnea events during sleep. Based on these real-time measurements, the machine dynamically adjusts the pressure levels to maintain airway patency and ensure adequate airflow.

Customised Therapy

By continuously adapting to changes in breathing patterns, AutoCPAP provides personalised therapy tailored to each individual's needs. This dynamic pressure modulation enhances comfort and compliance with therapy, as it minimises the sensation of excessive pressure during exhalation while providing sufficient support during inhalation.

Data Monitoring and Analysis

AutoCPAP machines are equipped with built-in data recording capabilities that track parameters such as airflow, pressure levels, apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), and mask leakage. This data can be used by healthcare providers to assess the effectiveness of therapy, optimise pressure settings, and monitor long-term treatment outcomes.

Mask Compatibility

Like traditional CPAP machines, AutoCPAP therapy requires the use of a compatible mask that delivers pressurised air to the airway. There are various mask options available, including nasal masks, nasal pillow masks, and full-face masks, to accommodate different preferences and facial structures.

Routine Maintenance and Care

Proper maintenance of the AutoCPAP machine and accessories is essential to ensure its reliability and performance. This includes regular cleaning of the mask, tubing, and humidifier chamber, as well as replacing disposable components according to the manufacturer's guidelines. Overall, AutoCPAP therapy offers a flexible and effective treatment option for individuals with sleep apnea, promoting better sleep quality, daytime alertness, and overall health when used consistently and as prescribed under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

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Frequently Asked Questions About AutoCPAP machine

  • What is an AutoCPAP machine?
    • An AutoCPAP (Automatic Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine is a type of CPAP device that automatically adjusts the air pressure delivered based on your breathing patterns throughout the night. This ensures you receive the optimal pressure at any given time to keep your airways open and treat sleep apnea effectively.
  • How does an AutoCPAP work?
    • The AutoCPAP machine monitors your breathing while you sleep. It starts at a low baseline pressure and then gradually increases or decreases the air pressure as needed to prevent sleep apnea events and snoring. This self-adjusting pressure capability allows for more comfortable and customised therapy.
  • What are the benefits of using an AutoCPAP?
    • AutoCPAP machines offer several advantages over traditional fixed-pressure CPAP devices:
      • Customised pressure throughout the night for optimised therapy
      • May improve comfort and compliance by delivering only the required pressure
      • Ability to adjust to changing needs (e.g., weight gain/loss, nasal congestion)
      • Detailed data tracking for monitoring therapy effectiveness
  • How do I know if the AutoCPAP is working correctly?
    • Most AutoCPAP machines have a data display or compliance reporting system that shows the pressure range utilised during sleep, as well as apnea/hypopnea events. Discuss these reports with your sleep specialist to ensure the machine is operating properly and your therapy is effective.
  • Can I adjust the pressure settings on my AutoCPAP?
    • AutoCPAP machines are designed to automatically adjust the pressure based on your breathing patterns. However, some models allow you to set a minimum and maximum pressure range within which the machine can operate. Always consult your doctor before making any pressure adjustments.
  • How often should I replace the filters and tubing?
    • It's recommended to replace the filters and tubing on your AutoCPAP machine every 3 to 6 months for optimal hygiene and performance. Regular cleaning and maintenance can help extend the lifespan of these components.
  • Can I use a humidifier with my AutoCPAP?
    • Yes, many AutoCPAP machines come with integrated humidifiers or allow for the use of a separate humidifier. Adding moisture to the air can help prevent dryness, nasal irritation, and improve overall comfort during therapy.
  • How do I properly clean and maintain my AutoCPAP?
    • Regular cleaning and maintenance are essential for ensuring the proper function and hygiene of your AutoCPAP machine. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning the mask, tubing, humidifier chamber, and the machine itself. Proper care can help extend the lifespan of your equipment.
  • How often should I replace my AutoCPAP machine?
    • How often should I replace my AutoCPAP machine? Most AutoCPAP machines have a lifespan of 5 to 7 years with proper care and maintenance. However, your insurance provider or doctor may recommend replacing the machine sooner if it is not functioning correctly or if your therapy needs have changed significantly.
  • Can I travel with my AutoCPAP?
    • Yes, most AutoCPAP machines are designed to be portable and can be used while traveling. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for proper packing, altitude adjustments (if applicable), and using the appropriate power adapter for your destination.


Purchased an Auto Cpap from Harrison Medical, the team provided excellent guidance on how to use the device effectively. My sleep quality certainly has improved significantly.... says Mr Lakhani, Khar

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Mumbai 400052.


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